Quwiex Important Update

2 minutes

Quwiex Is Not Available Anymore!

Quwiex is not online anymore since 18.04.2022. The company seems to have disappeared without noticing investors. No new information has been disclosed so far. For the most recent information, please visit: Quwiex Offline: What Now?

I’ll leave this post online for the time being, as a reference.

This post is from the 21. March 2022 and shows outdated information.

Important Information regarding Quwiex Company Registration: 

quwiex company registration removal notice new zealand companies office

The New Zealand Companies Office published a Notice of Intent to Remove the Quwiex Limited registration entry.

I asked Quwiex about this and they responded quickly with the following message:

So they basically said that they already sent the reports and that the license will be updated soon.

Let’s have a look at it in a few more days and see what happens.

UPDATE 03/31/2022

Quwiex now has an official business license and is incorporated as QUWIEX GLOBAL INC. in the United States of America. Read all about it here.

If you want to check out what Quwiex does, go to their website here or read my Review of Quwiex Limited.

Read more about Quwiex here:

Official Quwiex Website

If you want to know more about Quwiex, visit their official website. You can sign up and invest crypto in deposits that provide daily profits of 1%-3% and release the principal investment after as few as 15 days.

At the time of publication of this article – the service still works. Profits are stable, withdrawals work without problems.

If you have any questions be sure to leave a comment below.

If you’re still looking for ways to make money online since Quwiex scammed, you might want to have a look at a company that has been going strong for more than 10 years and is known for it’s stability and growth. If that’s the case then you should check out my review of Jeunesse Global and how you can make money with Jeunesse.

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12 responses to “Quwiex Important Update”

  1. Dean

    Interesting. I wonder a) why New Zealand specifically wanted to remove them from the Registrar and b) What will happen if they don’t get renewed. Any ideas?

    1. Hey Dean, thanks for you comment! According to the New Zealand Companies Office, it was due to 365(1) (caaa) or (c) of the Companies Act 1993. You can read it here.
      According to Quwiex, that’s a normal process that companies in New Zealand go through every 6 months. The question is: If they knew, why didn’t they provide the necessary papers beforehand? Quwiex stated, that they already submitted the necessary documents. So the state should be back to normal soon.

      For now, we’ll have to wait and see if the New Zealand Companies Office changes Quwiex Limited’s state in the following days. Right now, the registry is temporarily unavailable for maintenance.

      In case that they don’t get renewed, I don’t think they’ll vanish right away. They would have to get registered again to continue business under the company Quwiex Limited. However, I believe it would take away their main selling point, which is “we are a registered company and operate legally under the law of New Zealand”.

    2. Hey I just wanted to let you know the latest news! Quwiex is now officially licensed as Quwiex Global Inc. Read all about it here: https://makemoneyandthrive.com/quwiex-now-licensed-in-the-us/

  2. Jay

    When I asked I was given to different answers.
    A manager consultant replied this information was not true or reliable and that their specialists had already extended the license so no need to worry, yet the CEO replied this was a natural auditing process and they were awaiting licensing from the U.S and the license would be renewed on the 20th of April.

    1. Hey Jay, thanks for your reply! I noticed that too. That’s why I’ll be following the coming Zoom calls very closely, as the CEO said he’d go more into detail regarding the US partnership and the license. Also, I’m doing more research to find sources other than the company themselves to verify the claims.

  3. Peter Ngu

    Hi! I’ve just started following your articles as I have started to invest a small sum into Quwiex. Just want to say thank you for posting your journey and providing help information. Also just wanted to ask if you came across any information regarding the total worth of Quwiex.

    1. Hey Peter, thank you for your comment! You’re very welcome! Actually, I asked Quwiex for their Financial Statement and they sent me a mail with the last 4 quarterly financial reports. I’ll forward the mail to you! You can also have a look at my review of Quwiex where I uploaded their most recent financial report.
      Do you remember where you found my blog? I’d appreciate if you could let me know, that’ll help me to reach more people in the future ?

      1. Peter

        Thank you for your reply! I look forward to your email.
        I do I pretty much searched up quwiex on google and found your link on Reddit leading me here.

        1. The email should already be in your inbox ?.
          Thanks for the information! I noticed that Reddit actually seems to be great to refer people to my website. Great to see that it was useful to you as well!

  4. DREID

    Quwiex Important Update
    March 21, 2022 by Sandro

    Hi Sandro, thank you for this once again! I have invested some money in Quwiex.
    Is there any update with this situation ?

    I just wanted to know before I invest more into it on a larger scale.

    1. Hey Dreid, you’re very welcome and thank you for your comment!
      The company addressed the situation in the last zoom meeting, you can watch it here.
      Basically what they said is that every 6 months the company registration has to be renewed so the situation is normal and nothing to worry about.
      Also, they said that they’re currently working on a partnership with the US so that quwiex can operate legally in the US as well and after that, they’ll be registered as an International Company by the New Zealand Company Register and they want to do that change on the 20. April.

      I’d say jump into the Zoom meeting today at 10am London time, where George Bennet wants to present the official License as well. Find the Zoom details here.

      When it comes to investing, please remember that high returns means taking on high risk. In this case, you’re obviously putting 100% of your investment at risk for a short time to however gain high profits and have your investment returned as fast as nowhere else. I’m currently thinking about kind of a “fast in, fast out” approach to benefit from the platform while they’re there as long as I don’t have any more clarity on the legality of their operations. Still, it might be worth to wait a while, if just for your own peace of mind.

      That’s to say, I actually want to invest on a large scale as well, but still pondering about risk/return. All the best to you!

    2. Hey I just wanted to let you know the latest news! Quwiex is now officially licensed as Quwiex Global Inc. Read all about it here: https://makemoneyandthrive.com/quwiex-now-licensed-in-the-us/

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