About Sandro

about sandro

4 minutes

Hey there and welcome to Make Money And Thrive!

My name is Sandro, I’m the founder of this blog and on this page I’d like to give you some insights into my story, who I am and why I decided to start this blog. I hope this post will give you some inspiration!

My Start In 2015.

In 2015, I was stuck in a job as a graphic designer with lots of extra hours and little income, no possibility to travel and no clear vision of my future. I only knew that this life isn’t making me happy anymore and I knew I needed a way out. I honestly don’t even remember how exactly, but I came across Robert Kiyosaki and his book „Rich Dad, Poor Dad“ online, so I bought it, read it – and it changed my life forever… I had made the first steps in understanding how money works, that you can actually build passive income streams. And just like that I was hooked on the idea but I still didn’t know how to start, so I spent the next months researching everything I could on the topic.

My First Online Businesses.

Once I understood a little more about what kind of passive income streams there are I quickly realised that I could either spend money or time to build my income streams. As I didn’t have a lot of money at the time, I chose to invest my time. As a graphic designer I thought it’d be smart to put my skills to use so I started out with my first affiliate-based t-shirt online shop. I designed the prints and my online partner company printed and shipped the products. I started making some money, even when I wasn’t working! It felt so awesome, even though it wasn’t a lot of money. I still didn’t know about proper online marketing however, so I didn’t sell too many products a month. Over time, I got to know other online business models that gave me the possibility to leverage other people’s time and efforts as well. But I still wanted to leverage the internet to make money online, whether I worked or not.

Make Money Online Get Rich Quick Schemes And Expensive Coaching.

One thing I still had to find out the hard way is that in this space there are a lot of people out there who’re trying to get your money without really delivering on the promise that they’re giving. I got to know a lot of different online business models that did make sense but often have quite a high price to start out which wasn’t really for me (even though I did invest in some of them). I also bought several coaching programs, courses etc. on online marketing, affiliate marketing and commerce. But to be honest – they didn’t deliver their promises. I spent the money and got some generic information and a lot of motivational quotes. But nothing actionable. At some time, I really got fed up with this industry and I noticed that I was questioning whether anyone will really give me the specific information and approach to make making money online work for me.

When Online Marketing Clicked For Me…

It took some more time until I really figured out how online marketing works. I spent a lot of my free time researching the topic, social media marketing, running blogs, affiliate marketing programs, Pinterest marketing and so much more. And finally it clicked. I understood how generating traffic works, how to use SEO to have people come to my websites and most of all – how to be a helpful resource on the internet to other people looking for specific information – just like I was all those years.

Now My Goal Is Helping Folks Like YOU.

I spent a lot of years to finally get through the forest of information on how to make online marketing and making money online work for myself and I know that a lot of people – like you and me – are looking for this specific kind of information. I want to be a time machine for you. Naturally, I made a lot of errors on the way and my goal is to be an honest and trustworthy, no-BS resource for you to learn how to make money online the right way, without having to make years of errors along the way. I’ve been working with dozens of other aspiring entrepreneurs to help them really generate an income online and I want to do the same for you.

Within WealthyAffiliate.com and through my website here, I am actively engaged in helping folks. I know I can help you, and I want to help you. So enjoy some of my content here on „Make Money And Thrive!“ and if you ever want to work with me directly, you can do so at WealthyAffiliate.com (create a free Starter account here).

If you ever have any questions, feel free to leave a comment and I’ll be happy to get back to you and help you out.

All the best,

Sandro – Founder

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