Quwiex: New Zealand Police Started Investigation

Quwiex Investigation started by New Zealand Police

2 minutes

Just in: According to cryptoslate.com, New Zealand Police started investigating the Quwiex crypto scam. However, there seem to be some problems with the investigation due to something that in this day and age actually shouldn’t have happened.

Company Information was False

The information that was used to register the company in New Zealand allegedly was false. That means name of the CEO and address of the company and all other information that has been given to set up the official company were fake.

And I have to question: How is that possible? How can anyone just open up a company using a fake name and a fake address? It’s 2022 ladies and gentlemen. Is there actually nothing stopping scammers from opening an official, legal company with fake information? Is there nobody checking the data before a company can be legally accepted?

According to cryptoslate.com, Detective Sergeant James Robson said, 

“Unfortunately, the identity documents are fake, and there is no connection to the address supplied. No actual links to New Zealand have been able to be identified, which means those involved in this scam are based offshore. Unfortunately, as the people behind these scammers are based offshore, the likelihood of recovering their losses is quite low.”

James Robson

Can Scammers Just Create Companies With Fake Information Without Repercussions?

I think this is a huge problem! I mean, should we really allow just about anybody to go about scamming people out of their money without even checking whether their information is real?

And then, just as with Quwiex, have our hands bound because they’re offshore? There has to be a better way. Especially when it comes to crypto and it’s current Wild West feel.

Learn how to recognize whether an opportunity is a scam in this guide.

What are your thoughts?

What are your thoughts on the current situation? Should we allow anyone to open up a crypto company without checking their information? I’d love to know what you think about it!

Also, if you know someone who’s suffered losses at the hand of the Quwiex scam, share this update with them to let them know what’s happening!


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