Quwiex Offline: What Now?

Quwiex Global Logo on Green Background

4 minutes

Quwiex Is Not Available Anymore!

Quwiex is not online anymore since 18.04.2022. The company seems to have disappeared without noticing investors. No new information has been disclosed so far. For the most recent information, please visit: Quwiex Offline: What Now?

I’ll leave this post online for the time being, as a reference.

Today a lot of people woke up to what they hoped would not happen: The Quwiex website is currently offline, nobody knows what happened to their investment, if Quwiex scammed their investors or if something with their internal update went wrong. As of now we still are not sure what happened and I would advise against drawing any conclusions as of now. But let’s have a look at the current situation. What happened, what was supposed to happen and where are we now?

Why is Quwiex Offline?

Those who followed the regular Zoom events that have been held by CEO George Bennet know that he was talking about implementing their new Exchange “Quwiex OCP” to the Quwiex platform. When was that supposed to happen? Today, on the 18th April.

So, one possible explanation for the site not being online at the moment would be that they’re currently updating the platform to implement their new service. If that’s the case then they should have been clearer about their procedure and what might likely happen e.g. the site being offline and scaring she s*** out of everyone.

Another possible scenario is – of course – that Quwiex went offline and ran away with all our money. As of now though, we don’t know that for sure.

Learn how to recognize whether an opportunity is a scam in this guide.

The Zoom Meeting: 20th April

There’s also still a zoom meeting that’s been planned at 20th April, at 10:00 AM London time. They’re supposed to talk about:

  • First Results of Quwiex OCP
  • Big Event at JW Marriott Hotel Hanoi Vietnam
  • Business Conference in Korea and Dubai

That being said, as we obviously can’t be sure if it’ll even take place in case they scammed – it’s still a possibility that the Zoom call will still be held and CEO George Bennet will explain the situation. Who knows, maybe it’s actually just really bad communication (which isn’t OK by the way) and the site will be online again tomorrow. Maybe it isn’t, we’ll see.

Anyways, for those who want to see for themselves if the Zoom call will take place, here are the details to enter the meeting:

Conference ID: 861 4318 7468
Access code: 04202022

I’ll definitely tune in and give an update of what happened.

Beware: Scammers Try to Profit from the Situation

Beware of scammers who’re trying to benefit from the situation of lots of people who’re worrying about their investment right now! I saw some accounts on Twitter who claim to be Quwiex Support and who talk about a technical problem. They tell you to write a private message. Then in the message they tell you to send them 15 USDT to their wallet as a “management fee” in order to get your investment back “sooner”.

These people are not Quwiex, they’re scammers who’re trying to profit from your situation. Don’t send them any money.

Here’s what one of those messages looks like:

scammer message on twitter
Message of scam account @QuwiexS on Twitter

Twitter accounts who’re currently try to scam you are:

Please do yourself a favor and have a good look at the name of the twitter account you’re communicating with and don’t send any money!


So, to sum this up, we’re still hoping and waiting for the return of the site. At the moment, we still don’t know what exactly happened. It could be that the website will return after the OCP update, if it exists. If it doesn’t, I’ll let you know. For now, our hope is that the scheduled Zoom Call on the 20th of April will still take place and explain what happened. Ideally, until then, the website will be back online as well. As of now, we can’t be sure of anything so I’d advise you to breathe deeply and hope for the best.

If you have any questions, be sure to leave them in the comment section. What’s your take on the situation?

Also, be aware of Onewiex, which is a new scam that’s trying to recreate the Quwiex scam.

If you’re still looking for ways to make money online since Quwiex scammed, you might want to have a look at a company that has been going strong for more than 10 years and is known for it’s stability and growth. If that’s the case then you should check out my review of Jeunesse Global and how you can make money with Jeunesse.


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