Wealthy Affiliate: Does It Work? (My Honest Review)

Wealthy Affiliate: Does it work? (My honest review)

12 minutes

I have to say I’ve been looking forward to this review for a while! Wealthy Affiliate has been around since 2005 and I still don’t know how it was possible that I didn’t hear about it until recently! I wish someone would’ve told me about it sooner. Have you ever heard of Wealthy Affiliate? Does it work, is it legit or is it just a scam? – these are the questions that we’re going to answer today. Let’s jump right in!

A Product Overview: Wealthy Affiliate

  • Name: Wealthy Affiliate
  • Website: WealthyAffiliate.com
  • Special Offer: Get Free Instant Access Now
  • Cost to join: Starter Membership $0
  • Price: $0 – $49 / month
  • Free Version Available: Yes
  • Owners: Kyle Loudon and Carson Lim.
  • Overall Rank: 95 out of 100
Wealthy Affiliate logo

Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate is a website hosting platform, a community, a full ecosystem and a complete course website, designated to help beginners and experts in affiliate marketing and blogging to learn and to be successful in making money online by using affiliate marketing efficiently.

Start building your new affiliate website for free on Wealthy Affiliate today!

What Is Wealthy Affiliate?

Wealthy Affiliate is a platform, a community, an ecosystem and a complete course website, designated to help beginners and experts to learn and to make money online using affiliate marketing efficiently.

The Good & the Bad

The Good:

  • access to premium research tools
  • encouraging & actually helpful community
  • clear & easy to follow step-by-step courses
  • full website-creation suite
  • free to start
  • fair monthly pricing instead of up-front yearly payment
  • list of affiliate programs to promote

The Bad:

  • sometimes takes a second to load on mobile
  • I still have to find more

Who is Wealthy Affiliate For?

Wealthy Affiliate has been created for people who want to really understand how to and succeed in making money online through the help of affiliate marketing. It’s NOT for people who are looking to get rich quick and they give you a realistic estimate on what you can hope to achieve in what time frame if you’re willing to put in the work. Kyle & Carson created the platform in 2005 as a way to give people access to high quality information regarding the topic of affiliate marketing because there is so much misinformation around it throughout the internet.

I’d personally say Wealthy Affiliate is for everybody who is looking for the “right” information and who likes to keep things simple. It’s for those who want to have success faster instead of having to do all the mistakes themselves. Wealthy Affiliate is the right platform and community for everyone that wants help whenever they feel stuck in their business journey. I know building a business can oftentimes feel very lonely. It won’t with this community, there’s always someone to ask for advice, people who walked the walk. So I’d say Wealthy Affiliate is for you if you can see yourself in this description.

Wealthy Affiliate Tools & Training

Training Courses

Wealthy Affiliate has two main courses, the “Online Entrepreneur Certification” and the “Affiliate Bootcamp”. You can start both of them for free. They are explained in clear detail, with videos ranging around 10-15 minutes each and explanatory text. Every course features clear step-by-step instructions that are easy to follow.

Online Entrepreneur Certification

The “Online Entrepreneur Certification” course spans 5 courses and 50 lessons in total. It focuses on the basics to understand about how making money online works, how to choose a niche, how to build your own website quickly and easily, how to set up SEO and rank in search engines, how to create helpful content that generates traffic, social engagement and much more.

online entrepreneurship certification course

It’s a very solid course for people who want to be guided into the world of making money online and who value clear instructions and quality information and I highly recommend that you take this course if you want to really learn how creating an online income works from someone who’s done it for over 15 years and keeps on doing it even today.

Affiliate Bootcamp

The “Affiliate Bootcamp” course spans 7 courses and 70 lessons in total. It focuses on the “make money online” niche. So if you’re either not sure what your ideal niche is or you are (like me) someone who’s deeply passionate about the topic of making money using the internet, then this course is the right one for you to start. Just like the other course, it features step-by-step instructions and keeps everything really simple so that you don’t get confused or paralyzed due to decision fatigue.

affiliate bootcamp course

The topics get more detailed the further you’re along in the lessons, but you achieve a big step forward after every lesson nontheless. You’ll learn about how to set up your website, how to do keyword research and rank in search engines, how to write helpful, valuable and traffic-generating content, how to add social value to your site and how to scale your business using PPC ads.

I highly recommend this course to everyone who’s serious about building a money making blog and that’s interested enough in the topic on online money that you’re willing to write content around this topic. If that’s not your cup of tea, follow the Online Entrepreneur Certification course and build a website that generates money in any niche you can think of.


classes on wealthy affiliate

The two main courses are not the only way you can learn and benefit from the wisdom of millions of successful online entrepreneurs. There are thousands of hours worth of video courses available on this platform, created by highly successful marketers who are part of the Wealthy Affiliate community. They range from keyword research to refining your writing skills, to traffic secrets and just about anything you can think about that can help your website to become a success. What I particularly like about the classes is that I can learn something new every day, whenever I choose to and I can trust that the information that I can get here is not provided by someone who just wants to make some quick bucks off of me.

There also are regular live classes held that later can be rewatched as a replay inside of the Wealthy Affiliate platform.

The Website Ecosystem

Wealthy Affiliate is not only a place where you can learn how to make websites, research keywords and create content. It comes with a full suite that let’s you actually do all of that right from the platform. Instead of spending hours researching how to buy webspace, how to install wordpress, how to buy a domain, you can do all of that directly here.

website platform and ecosystem on wealthy affiliate

It used to take me hours to understand how to install wordpress on a new website I wanted to create and I had to cope with DNS, 301 Redirects and all that complicated stuff, with a lot of form fields and sometimes the Mac-Terminal, FTP servers and all that. I don’t do that anymore. If I want to create a new website, I go to Wealthy Affiliate, I click a button, enter the domain and title for my new website, save and BOOM. Done. WordPress (the world’s most popular content management system / CMS) gets installed automatically. Plugins for SEO success and fast loading websites are already installed, security monitoring is already there.

SiteContent templates on wealthyaffiliate.com

Now if you want to create a new post or a new page on you website, you can easily go to “SiteContent”, a complete writing platform that let’s you choose from a number of ready-made templates, create new templates or just start writing your new post. A state-of-the-art grammar checker is included.

Wealthy Affiliate Support

live chat in wealthy affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate not only is a platform that lets you learn about online success, but actually it’s a giant community of likeminded people who help each other on a daily basis to achieve their goals. When I started out on Wealthy Affiliate, I got a lot of messages on my personal profile from people I didn’t even know who welcomed me, congratulated me on my decision and offered me their help if I ever have questions about anything. I absolutely love that!

It’s kind of like facebook was a few years ago… personal, friendly. It’s a community that’s interested in seeing you succeed. Whenever I had questions, someone was sure to answer quickly. This behaviour is fueled by a ranking system that gives you points when you’re answering questions or when one of your posts is liked.

Also you have the option to write blog posts inside of your profile about anything that you want to tell the Wealthy Affiliate community. Whether it’s a success or breakthrough you’ve recently made with your website or anything really, just write about it. When you’re done you’ll be asked to enter at least two keywords so that others in the community can find your post and when you publish it, you usually get a lot of likes and comments on your post which proves that people are actually interested in your experience on the platform.

blog posts wealthy affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate Pricing

  • Starter Membership: FREE
  • Premium Membership: $49/month (first month only $19) or $499 per year if you decide to pay yearly (which equals $41.58 per month).
  • Premium Plus Membership: $99/month (first month only $49) or $999 per year if you decide to pay yearly (which equals $83.25 per month).

You can start using Wealthy Affiliate for free. It gives you free access to the first 10 lessons of every course, you can create 1 website on there completely for free. If you decide that you like the learning style and decided you want to trust Wealthy Affiliate for a little longer, you can upgrade to Premium Membership and just pay $19 in the first month and pay $49 afterwards. There are no contracts, you don’t have to stay if you don’t want to and you can cancel anytime.

You can pay your premium membership with

  • credit card
  • Paypal
  • or through credits that you earn within Wealthy Affiliate.

If you’re just starting out, I don’t recommend you go Premium right away. The Starter Membership is great to get acquainted with WealthyAffiliate and to start creating your affiliate business so that you can see for yourself if this is what you’re looking for. After you’ve gotten your first impression and you like to keep going, Premium is the way to go. If you become a Premium Member in the first 7 days, your first month will only cost $19.

Hosting Price

Let’s say you only care about hosting and nothing else. Even then the price would be more than fair for everything you get. Just check out this quick comparison:

wealthyaffiliate.com hosting comparison

Have There Been Any Scam Complaints About Wealthy Affiliate?

Wealthy Affiliate is definitely not a scam. The company has been founded in 2005 and has never been involved in any kind of accusations or court processes. That’s a clear indicator that the company is really legit. Also there are a lot of testimonials that talk about their own personal success using Wealthy Affiliate. Also the company has been reviewed by over 400 people on TrustPilot and has an overall rating of 4.9 which is about as good as it gets.

Wealthy Affiliate trustpilot recommendation

So we can safely say that Wealthy Affiliate is 100% legit and is not a scam.

Are There Any Positive Testimonials About Wealthy Affiliate?

So yeah, are there people actually making money through what they’ve learned with Wealthy Affiliate? Absolutely, just have a look! There are thousands of success stories inside the community!

Eddy's results with Wealthyaffiliate.com

Eddy’s results

Grace's results with wealthyaffiliate.com

Grace’s results

Brok's results with wealthyaffiliate.com

Brok’s results

roope's results with wealthyaffiliate.com

Roope’s results

My Final Opinion of Wealthy Affiliate

I will leave you with my final opinion of Wealthy Affilate. I have to honestly say that I actually love this platform. It’s given me so much value! Affiliate marketing, content creation, keyword research and SEO have finally clicked for me after doing the courses and getting in contact with the community. Whenever I have a question I can simply write in the chat or publish a question on the platform and I know people come and help me out. Wealthy Affiliate is definitely no scam, it’s 100% legit and trustworthy. There are no strings attached and it’ll do you a lot of good if you’re looking to truly learn how to make money online and are looking for an great platform that will help you make it easy!

After a few days of trying out the courses, I went for the premium membership and I’ve never looked back since. So if you liked this review, go ahead and get yourself a free Starter Membership and try it out!

Learn how to recognize whether an opportunity is a scam in this guide.

I’ll give this platform 92 of 100 points because it’s just really good! But I know there’s always room for improvement. Luckily, Kyle and Carson regularly add new content, redo their courses and add new features to the platform!

Wealthy Affiliate logo

Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate is a website hosting platform, a community, a full ecosystem and a complete course website, designated to help beginners and experts in affiliate marketing and blogging to learn and to be successful in making money online by using affiliate marketing efficiently.

Start building your new affiliate website for free on Wealthy Affiliate today!

Wealthy Affiliate at a Glance…


Thanks so much for reading through this review! What are your opinion on this matter? If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out and comment down here in the comment section. I’m here to answer your questions and help you out!


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