How To Make Money In Affiliate Marketing Without A Website

How to make money in affiliate marketing without a website

11 minutes

Making money in affiliate marketing doesn’t necessarily require you to have your own website. In fact, there are a number of ways you can get started without one! In this blog post, we will discuss five of the most popular methods for making affiliate sales without a website. I will also provide some tips on how to get started with each method. So, whether you’re just starting out or you’re looking for new ways to make money from affiliate marketing, read on for some great tips on how to make money in affiliate marketing without a website!

Before we get started, I want to let you know that every one of these methods will either cost time or money. Don’t expect to get rich quick without a certain amount of effort from yourself or your bank account.

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Social Media Marketing

One of the most popular methods for making affiliate sales without a website is social media marketing. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and also TikTok offer great opportunities to connect with potential customers and promote your products or services.

In order to make social media marketing work for you, it’s important to create engaging content that will capture the attention of your audience. Whether that’s a text-based platform (like Twitter or Facebook) or a multimedia-based platform like Instagram and TikTok, you should always make sure to keep the content flowing.

You should also make sure to include links to your affiliate products or services in your posts, and use effective hashtags to help you reach a wider audience.

What kind of content is there?

When starting out with Social Media Marketing, you should be aware of what kind of content you can put out on the different platforms. Generally speaking, there are different kinds of content, which include:

  • Text
  • Images
  • Videos (short and long format)
  • Audio

Which Social Media Platform is the Right One for you?

This obviously depends on what you’re comfortable with. As stated above, different platforms have a different focus and you’ll want it to match with what kind of content you’d like to produce. Here’s an overview of what types of content you can post on the different platforms.

Twitter is predominantly text-based but has the possibility to add pictures or short videos up to around two minutes. There’s also an audio feature, but I rarely (if ever) see it being used.

Instagram is a visual platform and relies on multi media content like images or videos. You can always add text to your posts, but to be honest – people hardly read your captions there. Also, they focus heavily on short videos through Reels to be able to compete with TikTok.

TikTok currently is the master of short format videos and it allows only for videos on the platform. So, no images. You’re also limited to 150 characters when writing a caption for your video.

Facebook is a be-all-do-all kind of platform. It originally grew big with mostly text and image content. Now they’re aiming to be a more video based platform to battle YouTube. One great thing about Facebook is “Live Video” where you can go live and talk directly to your followers. When you go live, Facebook usually tells your friends who’re online so they have a chance to dial in.

Tips on how to get Started with Social Media Marketing

If you’re looking to get started with social media marketing, here are a few tips to help you get started:

  1. Initially focus on one platform so you can build influence and then gradually scale to other platforms.
  2. Connect with as many people as possible to have an audience that can receive your updates.
  3. Use hashtags to reach a wider audience, and make sure to connect with other people in your niche.
  4. Create engaging content that will capture the attention of your audience. Don’t just spam your affiliate link all the time. People want content that’s engaging, they’re deaf to advertising.
  5. Don’t forget to include links to your affiliate products or services in your posts (or in your bio if you can’t use links in the post).
  6. Add a call to action on the end of your post so that people know what they’re supposed to do.
  7. Keep putting out content on a regular basis. Don’t expect to gain a big following in a few weeks.
  8. Monitor the success of your social media marketing campaigns and adjust your strategies accordingly. That can include the amount of comments and likes you get, how many people click your link and more.
  9. Keep trying different things until you find what works best for you.

Pinterest Marketing

Another popular method for making money from affiliate marketing without a website is Pinterest marketing. Notice that I didn’t include Pinterest inside of the social media platforms, because it’s more like a visual search engine. Which is great for getting visits to your offer.

Pinterest is a great platform for promoting affiliate products because it allows you to create visual pins that will catch the attention of your audience. You can also use Pinterest to drive traffic to your affiliate links by adding them to your boards and creating “Buyable Pins” for your products or services. To do that, however you’ll have to qualify for it which has a few different metrics. We’ll talk about that another time in detail.

When it comes to Pinterest marketing, there are a few things you can do to increase your chances of success:

  1. First, make sure you produce highly engaging pins. You’ll have to grab people’s attention through your pins as you’ll be competing with the other pins around yours.
  2. Include keywords, keyphrases and hashtags in the pin’s title and description, but don’t overdo it.
  3. Link your pins to your affiliate offer.
  4. Publish pins regularly. The more pins you publish on a consistent basis, the more reach you’ll get and in turn, the more people will click your pins.

In order to keep publishing pins on a regular basis while keeping your sanity and your free time, I highly encourage you to use an automation service like Tailwind.

It can be quite stressful if you have to design 10-15 new pins every day, write the description for each of them and then also visit pinterest 15 times a day to post your pin. I started out doing exactly that. I don’t remember how exactly I came across Tailwind, must’ve been through a blog post just like this one. But it seriously helped me to up my game on Pinterest!

Not only does it give you the possibility to create beautiful pins in record time and schedule them for months ahead – it also let’s you share your pins to various communities that in turn share your pin to give it more exposure, more visibility and in turn: more visitors to your offer.

So keep this in mind then starting out with Pinterest Marketing, check out Tailwind’s Free Membership!

Email Marketing

Email marketing is another great way to make money from affiliate sales without a website. In order to be successful with email marketing, you need to build a list of subscribers who are interested in the content you offer through your emails.

That can be anything from

  • list articles,
  • links to interesting videos,
  • your own thoughts on a specific topic,
  • interviews with other people,
  • useful recommendations,
  • contacts of people who want to sell their houses,
  • you name it!

So your job is to:

  1. create an offer that you can market to people using a landing page (you don’t need your own website for that),
  2. getting people to sign up to your email list that will fulfill your offer
  3. and then deliver the content you promised.

There are many ways you can monetize an email list! They include product or service recommendations (affiliate marketing), getting paid for guest postings, getting paid for listing other people’s offers in your email list, getting tips, marketing your own course (or other’s courses) and so much more.

If you want to start building your own email marketing list today, check out my tutorial on how to build an email marketing list.

So once you have a list of subscribers, you can now send them value based and also promotional emails that include links to your affiliate products or services. You can also use email marketing to lead your subscribers through sales funnels that will help you convert more leads into customers.

So overall, Email marketing is a great way to make money from affiliate sales without a website.

Google Ads (Formerly Google AdWords)

Google AdWords is a great way to promote your affiliate offers if you have some money to start with. With Google AdWords, you can create ads that will appear on the Google search results page when people search for keywords related to the products or services you’re affiliated with. You can also use AdWords to target specific audiences with laser precision. By using AdWords, you can reach more potential customers and boost your sales, though it may take a while.

Another great thing about Google AdWords is that you can track the performance of your ads. This means that you can see how many people clicked on your ad, how much money you spent on the ad, and how much money you earned from the ad. This information can help you to optimize your campaigns and improve your ROI.

I have to say, I generally don’t rely too much on ads because I actually very much enjoy the free traffic I get from having my own website that generates traffic from the search engines and Pinterest. Still, I may be looking into that in the future.

Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads is somewhat similar to Google Ads in the context that you’ll need some money to invest in your campaigns. Still, done right it can be a huge catapult for your online success. With Facebook Ads, you can create ads that will appear on the Facebook News Feed when people visit their Facebook profile, Instagram of various partner sites. You can also use Facebook Ads to target specific audiences. I have to say, I have never seen a tool quite so powerful when it comes to targeting your potential buyers.

That also means, the better you know your target audience, your ideal buyer, the better you’ll understand how to market to them and how to target them.

Nowadays the algorythms have become so powerful that online marketers generally use a broader approach when it comes to targeting and just let Facebook’s algorythms find the perfect buyers for them. This however requires that you have enough time and money for it to do so. Not everybody does.

Recently, marketers kind of shifted away from Facebook and migrated more to Google to do their advertising because of the restrictions that came with Apple’s OS updates that included more privacy for the end user which in turn made it harder for Facebook to find the best audiences for your offer.

My personal opinion is that Facebook Ads is an incredibly powerful tool if you have the knowledge, the money and the time to leverage it. If you don’t, better choose one of the other methods mentioned in this article for now.


In conclusion, there are a number of ways to make money from affiliate marketing without a website. The five methods that we discussed in this blog post are some of the most popular ones. However, there are many other methods that you can use to promote your affiliate products or services. Creativity knows no end in this space and the world of online marketing and affiliate marketing is constantly evolving.

Keep in mind, that without your own website, you have no “hub” so to speak that will gain authority over time, so you will miss out on the free traffic that you’d get through SEO. You’ll want to consider this when deciding whether or not to build you own website. Remember, if you’re looking for new ways to make money from affiliate marketing, be sure to explore all of your options. Don’t underestimate the power of having you own blog. Thanks for reading!

If you have any questions at all regarding this topic, be sure to leave a comment below! I’ll be sure to get back to you and help you out!

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