Advanced Convertkit Strategies: Integrations and Workflows

ConvertKit Masterclass 8/10 Integrations and Workflows

2 minutes

As your email list grows, managing it can become increasingly complex. This is where Convertkit’s advanced integrations and workflows come into play. In this post, we’ll explore how to leverage these features to streamline your email marketing efforts and achieve better results.

Convertkit offers many powerful tools to help you automate your email marketing. In this post, we will focus on two of the most advanced features: integrations and workflows. Integrations allow you to connect Convertkit with other tools and platforms, while workflows help you automate complex sequences of emails and actions. Let’s dive in!

Try ConvertKit

ConvertKit is the only email marketing platform we use, and will ever use.

ConvertKit is our #1 recommended email marketing platform because it has been built with care to the exact needs of creators building online businesses. Their user experience is very user-friendly. And segmenting our subscribers into focused groups so that we can deliver content specific to their needs has never been easier. We’re all-in on ConvertKit.


Integrations are a key part of any advanced email marketing strategy. Convertkit allows you to connect with over 100 third-party tools, including landing page builders, CRM systems, and e-commerce platforms. This integration helps you save time and effort by syncing your data between different tools and automating tasks such as lead capture and segmentation.

Some popular integrations with Convertkit include:

  • Shopify: Connect your e-commerce store with Convertkit to track purchases, abandoned carts, and customer behavior.
  • Teachable: Use Convertkit to automate your course email sequences and track student progress.
  • WordPress: Use Convertkit’s plugin to embed forms and capture leads on your WordPress website.
  • ClickFunnels: Integrate Convertkit with ClickFunnels to track leads, automate email sequences, and segment your audience.


Workflows allow you to automate complex sequences of emails and actions based on triggers such as subscriber behavior or lead score. Convertkit’s visual automation builder makes it easy to create workflows that engage and nurture your subscribers.

Some ways to use workflows include:

  • Welcome sequences: Use workflows to create a personalized welcome sequence for new subscribers.
  • Upsell sequences: Use workflows to offer targeted upsells based on subscriber behavior and interests.
  • Abandoned cart sequences: Use workflows to remind subscribers of items left in their cart and offer incentives to complete their purchase.
  • Win-back campaigns: Use workflows to re-engage inactive subscribers and bring them back into the fold.


Integrations and workflows are powerful tools that can help you automate and streamline your email marketing efforts. By connecting Convertkit with other tools and platforms, you can save time and effort and achieve better results. And by using workflows, you can create personalized and engaging email sequences that keep your subscribers coming back for more.

Don’t forget to check out our other blog posts in this Convertkit guide, such as “Understanding Convertkit Automations: An In-Depth Guide” and “Personalizing Your Convertkit Emails: Tips and Tricks,” to learn more about how to optimize your email marketing with Convertkit.

Ready to take your email marketing to the next level? Sign up for Convertkit today and start automating your email sequences and integrating your tools to save time and achieve better results.

Email List Building Video Workshop

Watch this free step by step video workshop by Isa Adney, Business Owner and Trainer at ConvertKit.

List Building Workshop. 3 Steps to your first 1000 subscribers.

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This book is a treasure trove of Instagram growth strategies, spanning 89 pages filled with tips, insights, and actionable techniques. It’s your go-to resource for mastering Instagram organically and unlocking its full potential.

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