Using Convertkit Reports to Measure Your Email Marketing Success

ConvertKit Masterclass 7/10 Using Reports to Measure Success

3 minutes

Email marketing is a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes to connect with their audience and drive conversions. However, simply sending out emails isn’t enough. To truly understand the success of your email marketing campaigns, it’s important to measure your results. This is where Convertkit reports come in. In this post, we’ll dive into how you can use Convertkit reports to measure your email marketing success.

  1. Understanding Convertkit Reports
  2. Analyzing Your Broadcasts Report
  3. Subscriber Activity Report
  4. Form Analytics Report
  5. Using Reports to Improve Your Email Marketing Strategy
  6. Tying it All Together

Try ConvertKit

ConvertKit is the only email marketing platform we use, and will ever use.

ConvertKit is our #1 recommended email marketing platform because it has been built with care to the exact needs of creators building online businesses. Their user experience is very user-friendly. And segmenting our subscribers into focused groups so that we can deliver content specific to their needs has never been easier. We’re all-in on ConvertKit.

Understanding Convertkit Reports

To start measuring your email marketing success, you need to understand the different reports available in Convertkit. These reports include the Broadcasts Report, Subscriber Activity Report, and Form Analytics Report. We’ll take a closer look at each report and what they can tell you about your email marketing performance.

Analyzing Your Broadcasts Report

The Broadcasts Report shows you how your individual email campaigns are performing. You can see how many subscribers received the email, how many opened it, how many clicked on links, and more. By analyzing this report, you can see what’s working and what’s not in your email campaigns.

Subscriber Activity Report

The Subscriber Activity Report provides insights into how your subscribers are engaging with your emails. You can see how many emails they’ve received, opened, clicked on, and more. By analyzing this report, you can see which subscribers are most engaged with your content and adjust your email campaigns accordingly.

Form Analytics Report

The Form Analytics Report shows you how your forms are performing. You can see how many subscribers signed up through the form, how many viewed it, and how many abandoned it. By analyzing this report, you can identify areas where you may need to improve your forms to increase conversions.

Using Reports to Improve Your Email Marketing Strategy

Once you have a clear understanding of how your email campaigns are performing through Convertkit reports, you can use this information to improve your email marketing strategy. For example, if you notice that a certain type of email campaign is performing well, you can create more of those campaigns. Or, if you notice that subscribers are abandoning your forms, you can adjust the form to make it more user-friendly.

Tying it All Together

By using Convertkit reports, you can gain valuable insights into how your email marketing campaigns are performing. However, to truly optimize your email marketing strategy, you need to take a holistic approach. This includes using the other posts in this Convertkit guide, such as A/B Testing Your Convertkit Campaigns and Segmenting Your Email List with Convertkit, to ensure that you’re delivering the right message to the right audience at the right time.


Measuring your email marketing success is essential to improving your email marketing campaigns. With Convertkit reports, you can gain valuable insights into how your campaigns are performing and adjust your strategy accordingly. Remember to take a holistic approach by using the other posts in this Convertkit guide to ensure that you’re delivering the right message to the right audience at the right time.

Email List Building Video Workshop

Watch this free step by step video workshop by Isa Adney, Business Owner and Trainer at ConvertKit.

List Building Workshop. 3 Steps to your first 1000 subscribers.

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This book is a treasure trove of Instagram growth strategies, spanning 89 pages filled with tips, insights, and actionable techniques. It’s your go-to resource for mastering Instagram organically and unlocking its full potential.

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