Quwiex Now Licensed in the US

Quwiex Now Licensed in the US

2 minutes

Quwiex Is Not Available Anymore!

Quwiex is not online anymore since 18.04.2022. The company seems to have disappeared without noticing investors. No new information has been disclosed so far. For the most recent information, please visit: Quwiex Offline: What Now?

I’ll leave this post online for the time being, as a reference.

Hey everybody, today I want to tell you about the new developments regarding Quwiex. As stated by CEO George Bennet in an official Zoom call today, Quwiex is now officially licensed in the United States of America as QUWIEX GLOBAL INC.

Quwiex is now Licensed in the United States of America

quwiex now licensed as quwiex global

If you want to check for yourself, go to https://apps.dos.ny.gov/publicInquiry/#search and search for the following:

search functionality
  • Search by: EntityName
  • EntityName: QUWIEX GLOBAL INC.
  • Entity type: Active
  • Search Functionality: BeginsWith
  • Entity list: Corporation

Then click “Search the Database”. You’ll then get taken to the information of the new company.

Can you invest in Quwiex if you’re from the United States?

Yes, if you’re living in the United States you can now legally invest in Quwiex and earn profits from the platform.

What about the Business License in New Zealand?

As stated by CEO George Bennet, they’re going to get the updated documents from the government of New Zealand by the end of next week.

If you want to learn more about Quwiex, have a look at my Quwiex review here.
If you want to invest yourself, you can register your account here.


To me, the recent developments such as the new incorporation in the United States gives me a lot of confidence that the company is in fact a legit business that tries to do everything right.

What’s your take on the matter? Let me know in the comments!

If you’re still looking for ways to make money online since Quwiex scammed, you might want to have a look at a company that has been going strong for more than 10 years and is known for it’s stability and growth. If that’s the case then you should check out my review of Jeunesse Global and how you can make money with Jeunesse.

Read more about Quwiex here:

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2 responses to “Quwiex Now Licensed in the US”

  1. Rainer Avatar

    Hi, today I tried to go to Quwiex website but didn´t open.
    Do you know what´s on?

    1. Sandro Avatar

      Hey Rainer thanks for your comment! I still haven’t heard back from the company, I’ve been trying to contact them via telegram and email. Before, I only talked to them through the chat section on the website. As for now, I hope that they’re running the OCP update. There’s still a zoom call scheduled on 20th April, so let’s see if it will be held.

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